October 7, 2019
3 Donors
Raised: Goal:
Donations ( 3 )
Comments (1)

Over 850 million children live in regions infested by water-borne parasites (WHO). These parasites make homes in children’s bodies, and either keep them from retaining all the nutrients they consume, or make them very sick. Without ways to treat diarrhea, dehydration and parasites — medicines and treatments we take for granted in the U.S. — these children can’t grow, and some don’t survive.

These stark facts mean we waste our efforts to feed kids if we ignore their need for clean water. One child, one family, one community at a time, we:

  • Build wells
  • Create water lines
  • Provide water purification tablets
  • Install toilets

But a water well or a water line is no good if it rusts or breaks down and the community has no money or expertise to fix it. This is why leadership development and livelihood activities for parents are essential. As parents gain more resources to care for their children, water problems decline.

Read how we’re helping by providing safe, clean water sources and improved sanitation.

Join Feed the Children in advocating for clean water and sanitation for all children—no matter where they live. Help us build wells, create water lines, and install toilets. Your donation will give children a chance at healthy and happy life.

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One thought on “Play for kids”

  1. Nullam in nunc purus. Nulla quis ultricies lacus, ultrices rhoncus enim. Sed euismod erat a tincidunt pretium. Fusce lectus dolor, sollicitudin nec lacinia ac, imperdiet luctus nunc. Sed iaculis, augue non ultricies vulputate, erat massa maximus leo, at auctor quam elit in est. Praesent egestas sed metus condimentum aliquam. Etiam sit amet quam semper, bibendum nibh rhoncus, consectetur mauris. Donec ullamcorper nibh sapien, ut iaculis urna vehicula vitae. Aenean vel lacinia enim. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam eget placerat libero, tincidunt consequat sapien. Donec dictum mi lorem, vel pellentesque libero dignissim quis. Nullam tincidunt, nibh a pretium sodales, arcu metus laoreet quam, non consectetur dui eros sed nulla.

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